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  Entrant Title Country Awards Image
  Kym Houston FAPS Close Up of a Clown Australia M01 - PSA Gold (BOS)
  Ching Ching Chan EFIAP EPSA Playing Jenga Hong Kong M02 - FIAP Gold
  Junjie Chen Pastoral for the Prairie China M03 - APS Gold Medal
  Christopher Gledhill EFIAP/s EPSA To the Galleries England M04 - QIDC Salon Gold
  Laurie Campbell EFIAP Girl with Piercing Eyes Northern Ireland M05 - PSA Silver
  Diane Foley Frosty Lonliness Australia M06 - QIDC Salon Silver
  Bob Walpole Fenceline Australia M07 - GPU Bronze
  Marcel Van Balken MFIAP MPSA EFIAP/d3 Lonelybiker Netherlands M08 - APS Bronze Medallion
  Gary Loughran EFIAP LIPF Shoe Ireland M09 - QIDC Bronze (Judges Choice)
  David Munro Twisted Visions Australia M10 - FIAP HM
  Chi Fun Fanny NG Tit for Tat Hong Kong M10 - FIAP HM
  Bob Chiu GMPSA GPSA ARPS AFIAP Polar Bear35 United States M11 - GPU HM
  Jianxin Wu Pastoral of the Snowfield China M11 - GPU HM
  Woodpecker Huang AFIAP Motorace12 Mono Taiwan M12 - APS Merit
  Gary Loughran EFIAP LIPF Baker St. 2 Ireland M12 - APS Merit
  Eugenio Fieni Efiap/D2 Nenet Children 21.31 Italy M13 - PSQ HM
  Antti Korpela AFIAP PPSA Summer Chillout Finland M13 - PSQ HM
  Ron McKie MAPS EFIAP FPSNZ ARPS Family Portrait Australia M13 - PSQ HM
  Fausto Meini AFIAP EFIAF Il Pastore Eremita Italy M13 - PSQ HM
  Florentino Molero Gutierrez EFIAP MPSA VIP5_CR4 c**MoL Con Los Brazos En Cruz Spain M13 - PSQ HM
  Neville Thorogood Ghost Tree Australia M13 - PSQ HM
  Nan Carder FPSA GMPSA EFIAP/p FAPU Aztec Warrior 5927 United States M14 - QIDC HM
  Gianni Maitan AFIAP Gnu Crossing N4 Italy M14 - QIDC HM
  Fausto Meini AFIAP EFIAF Darkness Lady Italy M14 - QIDC HM
  Jinyu Zhao Newborn China M14 - QIDC HM
  Dong Zhu Overpass China M14 - QIDC HM
Accepted entries
  Entrant Title Image
  Peter Baxter The Long Walk
  Patrik Berger AAPS Now Thats A Mullet
  Alan Bevan Solitude
  Kerry Boytell EFIAP/g GMAPS Karo Elder
  Stuart Campbell Fun in the Water
  Stuart Campbell Misty Morning Walk
  Bronwen Casey EFIAP/g MAPS Master of a Lost Trade
  Choo Beng Chew Big Waves at Bombo Quarry
  Choo Beng Chew Young Mountain Biker
  Ivan Choy On Top of the World
  Jutta Clough Liquid Lace
  Jutta Clough Recurrent - Apexes
  Di East The Meeting Place
  Rita England AAPS MR Fox
  Dianne English EFIAP PPSA FAPS Cape Gooseberry Pods
  Palli Gajree MFIAP FPSA HonPSA FAPS Canberra Fog
  Andrew Gower Lizard in B&W
  Jill Hancock Converging Trunks
  Jill Hancock Foggy Track
  Jill Hancock Morning Walk 2
  Tanya Heather The Sky is Not Your Limit
  Yvonne Hill EFIAP/b FAPS BPSA Is It Fixable
  Kym Houston FAPS Nowhere Man
  Kym Houston FAPS Perfect Number
  Geoffrey Hui Seeking Sanctuary
  Francis Kennedy GMAPS EPSA AFIAP Good Clearance
  Richard Li Wagana Dancer
  Sandy Mahon MAPS AFIAP Cattlemans Forest
  Michael S Martin The Spill
  Michael S Martin When I Grow Up
  Sue Maree Martin AAPS QPSA Canoe Slalom No 5
  Sue Maree Martin AAPS QPSA Eye of the Black Cockatoo
  Sue Maree Martin AAPS QPSA Letters from Home
  Ron McKie MAPS EFIAP FPSNZ ARPS Future Stars
  David Mercieca Dee Why Ocean Pool
  Ronald David Miller Falling Water
  Ronald David Miller Vortex
  Gail Mooney FAPS AFIAP Cold and Wet
  Michael Moore Please
  Vicki Moritz GMPSA/b EFIAP/p GMAPS Lost Habitat2
  Vicki Moritz GMPSA/b EFIAP/p GMAPS Tram from the Shadows
  David Munro Foggy Trail
  Cheryl Murphy QPSA AAPS Disenchanted
  Martin Newland EFIAP FAPS Sina Aria
  Trung Nguyen Breakwall Wave Bomb
  Peter John O'Brien FAPS Wistful Hoop
  John O'Farrell Alas Burma
  John Organ FAPS LPSNZ Gallery Catwalk
  Rob Oyston Bringing a Stick
  Anne Pappalardo AAPS That Gaze
  Susan Rasmussen Where's the Water
  Elizabeth Riley AAPS Capturing the Great Ocean
  Elizabeth Riley AAPS Flying in the Face of the Flock
  Martin Riley AAPS Aunty Colleen
  Pamela Rixon LAPS AAPS Lets Go Down
  Pamela Rixon LAPS AAPS Sledding in Sweden
  Peter Roupas AAPS Still Standing
  Arthur Roy Arabesque
  Keith Seidel MAPS EFIAP Toscana
  Grahame Smith Much Too Young
  Grahame Smith Wistful Cara
  Rae Stanaway GMAPS Going Backwards
  Mark Stevens FAPS EFIAP QPSA Ey Reflections
  Mark Stevens FAPS EFIAP QPSA Naturaliste
  Mark Stevens FAPS EFIAP QPSA Stranded Lighthouse
  Philip Stevens Whale Tails
  Karl Strand FAPS AFIAP Reconnect
  Andrew Swinfield GMAPS AFIAP Contemplation
  Neville Thorogood The Cross under
  Ruth Timperon EFIAP FAPS Bridestowe Rows
  Ruth Timperon EFIAP FAPS Maia in Lavender
  Suzanne Wacker AAPS Kyle Edmund Brisbane Open
  Bob Walpole Encroaching Forest
  Bob Walpole Line of Trees
  Margaret Walton Ash Xmas Rose
  Margaret Walton Iceland Farmhouse
  Xiao Zhuo Wen Forge Ahead
  Xiao Zhuo Wen Snow Lotus
  Adrian Whear GMAPS Sailing against the tide
  David Woodcock MAPS EFIAP Passage at MONA 2
  Robyn Wright Aerobatics
  Robyn Wright Rocco
  Jeanete Zanotto FAPS EFIAP Window Light
  Manfred Karner AFIAP White Tutu
  Jan D'aubioul AFIAP Cruise Terminal Rotterdam
  Jan D'aubioul AFIAP Lines I
  Gerard Verbecelte PPSA Mid-way
  Danlei Ye GMPSA/B GPSA ARPS AFIAP Waorani Tribe70
  Liping Cao Feed a Baby Bird5
  Huizhen Chen Breed in the Deep Forest
  Huizhen Chen Smoking Elder
  Huizhen Chen The Old Man
  Junjie Chen Dawn
  Junjie Chen Home
  Jianping Li Startled Birds Among Mist
  Xuzhong Liu Tame Horses 3
  Gang Lu Fantasia of Bridge
  Yaping Ma Foggy Dawn
  Yaping Ma To the Horizon
  Yaojian Sheng Friends Forever
  Jiangchuan Tong Hui_style
  Jianxin Wu Love in the Snow
  Bangjin Xiang Boating on Misty River
  Yuehui Xiong Carved owl wings
  Yuehui Xiong No way down
  Yaoqian Xu Old Man of Miao
  Jie Zhang Dusk
  Jie Zhang Smile
  Jie Zhang Summer
  Qing Zhang Winter Snow
  Yong Zhang Elfin
  Zuping Zhang Desire
  Zuping Zhang Your Eyes
  Jinyu Zhao Fascinated
  Li Zhao Under the Moon
  Dong Zhu Fly
  Wendy Allard EFIAP/s PPSA FRPS CPAGB Bronze Skull
  Steve Field LRPS EFIAP BPE2* Fretboard
  Steve Field LRPS EFIAP BPE2* Urban Fox Cub
  James Gibson EFIAP Give Us a Kiss
  Susan Gibson AFIAP At the Bottom of the Glass
  Susan Gibson AFIAP Give Us a Kiss Nora
  Christopher Gledhill EFIAP/s EPSA Watching the Storm Mono
  Barbara Jenkin EFIAP/p GMPSA/p Colbeigh
  Sarah Middleton DPAGB EFIAP/g BPE5* Star Shaped Challenge
  Sarah Middleton DPAGB EFIAP/g BPE5* Three Pigeons
  Ian Montague EFIAP/b EPSA ARPS Waiting Around
  Darren Pullman EFIAP Brighton Pier
  Tim Sawyer EFIAP/b ARPS CPAGB Desolate Tree
  Julian Stelling EFIAP Tulip Staircase
  Risto Raunio EFIAP GPUCR2 Emperor Parents and Chick
  Risto Raunio EFIAP GPUCR2 Polar Bear Kissers
  Robert Klauth Gorilla
  Françoise Morio EFIAP/b PPSA Le Quincailler
  Gerhard Boehm EFIAP GMPSA MDVF Bridge
  Gerhard Boehm EFIAP GMPSA MDVF Table Top - SW 9
  Ursula Bruder EFIAP/d1 EPSA Dolomites Church
  Gunter Buesching Wintertraum
  Michael Essig AFIAP Winterzauber_157230
  Herdis Halvas-Nielsen GMPSA AFIAP CR4 Forktailed Drongo
  Herdis Halvas-Nielsen GMPSA AFIAP CR4 Mountain Gorilla in the Bush
  Ralf Hanisch EFIAP/g MPSA Gaupokalswing
  Dirk Olaf Leimann EFIAP/s PPSA Experianced
  Volker Meinberg GMPSA/g EFIAP/s GPU-Cr5 GPU-VIP4 Basstoelpel 2201
  Helmut Paul AFIAP Hayfield BW
  Birgit Pustelnik EFIAP EPSA City
  Jan Romanowski EFIAP EPSA G.APS Graese Creativ
  Jan Romanowski EFIAP EPSA G.APS Leo und Monika
  Jan Romanowski EFIAP EPSA G.APS Motorcross 31
  Georg Winkens AFIAP Construction Site
  Georg Winkens AFIAP Senior Citizens
  Ching Ching Chan EFIAP EPSA Human Mountain
  Diana Chan Mantis
  Diana Chan Moter-cycle Race
  Chi Kun Choi Longing for Love
  Chi Fun Fanny NG Old Master of Trade
  Chi Fun Fanny NG Shadow Dancer
  Catherine Bushe EFIAP/d1 LIPF Back to Back
  Catherine Bushe EFIAP/d1 LIPF Beachgoers
  Catherine Bushe EFIAP/d1 LIPF The Lonesome Runner
  Catherine Bushe EFIAP/d1 LIPF What Lies Beyond
  Gary Loughran EFIAP LIPF Cyclist and Walker
  Gary Loughran EFIAP LIPF Victorian Gent
  Teddy Sugrue EFIAP/s PPSA Pitigliano
  Roberto De Leonardis EFIAP/p EPSA AFI BFA* Museum Vaticano11
  Danilo Facheris Hard Praticability NR 4
  Eugenio Fieni Efiap/D2 The Family.22.62
  Gianni Maitan AFIAP Cheetah Hunting Gazelle
  Gianni Maitan AFIAP Snowy Owl N3
  Fausto Meini AFIAP EFIAF Il Pastore Dei Sibillini 2
  Fausto Meini AFIAP EFIAF Sigarino E Famiglia
  Alberto Salvaterra EFIAP/s Specchi
  Marcel Van Balken MFIAP MPSA EFIAP/d3 Cloisters
  Marcel Van Balken MFIAP MPSA EFIAP/d3 Doublebarrel
  Marcel Van Balken MFIAP MPSA EFIAP/d3 Stagefright
  Markham Mail APSNZ Fantasy Island
  Elizabeth Passuello EPSA EFIAP FPSNZ MAPS Amidst the Mists
  Elizabeth Passuello EPSA EFIAP FPSNZ MAPS Racing Round the Turn
  Laurie Campbell EFIAP Elle in Hat
  Bjorn Engen AFIAP ENSFF White-tailed Eagle-25
  Rucsandra Calin EFIAP/s The Smoker
  Janez Kramar EFIAP Looking from
  Janez Kramar EFIAP Miro
  Nevenka Papic EFIAP KMFFZS Misery
  Joan Gil MPSA EFIAP/D1 MCEF/o MFCF4* Alex vintage
  Florentino Molero Gutierrez EFIAP MPSA VIP5_CR4 c**MoL Disparidad
  Jan-Thomas Stake MFIAP GMPSA EFIAP/d3 Bongeline 9185
  Goran Zebuhr EFIAP/p PPSA Behind Hands
  Don Yung-Shung Chen Hair Salon
  Don Yung-Shung Chen Shy Girl
  Don Yung-Shung Chen Three Curious Girls
  Woodpecker Huang AFIAP Wonderful Dancegb Mono
  Jui Ching Tai Buffalo and Crow
  Jui Ching Tai Invisible Dance
  Chin Tzu Weng Love in the Rain06034
  Nuwair Alhajeri Way to Faith
  Judy Burr APSA MPSA Calatrava Station
  Judy Burr APSA MPSA Double Stairway
  Nan Carder FPSA GMPSA EFIAP/p FAPU Sweetheart 0654
  Shu Cheuk WVC Tuck Landing
  Ward Conaway MPSA AFIAP Upside Down in Whitewater
  Jie Fischer EPSA BPSA Grow Wild20
  Diane Michaud Lowry Canyon Light
  Diane Michaud Lowry Writing on the Wall
  Michele Peterson PPSA USAF Heritage Flight
  Lillian Roberts EPSA AFIAP Racetrack Wide 02
  Lillian Roberts EPSA AFIAP Shooting the Dunes at DV
  J.R. Schnelzer EFIAP MPSA EFIAP Burn Out
  Gary Walter QPSA AFIAP Spiral Jetty Great Salt Lake Utah
  Ngoc Binh Nguyen Drying Nets
  Ngoc Binh Nguyen Vui
  Ian Ledgard EFIAP/p GMPSA/b Platform Scene