This invitation is cordially extended to all photographers, both amateur and professional, from all over the world, to enter our 10th Queensland International Digital Circuit for 2023.
The circuit will again comprise of four salons. Each will have four sections and will be conducted in accordance with FIAP, PSA, GPU and APS (Australian Photographic Society) requirements and be held in association with PSQ (Photographic Society of Queensland Inc). All salons are located in Queensland.
The sections are: Open Colour; Open Monochrome; our Colour theme of Weather and Seasons, and our monochrome theme of Smoke, Fire, Fog or Steam.
All images will be judged by experienced and/or accredited judges and will be displayed on a 60 inch HD TV. A high – quality printed catalogue will be made available to all entrants that have correctly submitted images to this Circuit and complied with all ‘Conditions of Entry’.
Please note this will be our last International Exhibition.
Note: Please ensure the address you supply is correct and up to-date. This will enable the printed catalogue and awards being sent to you through the Postal Service to arrive as soon as possible. Should you move or change your address or situation please advise us of your new postal address/details as soon as possible.
Please remember; if we do not have the correct and up to-date information with Street number, Street name or Road, Suburb, or Town/ Country and Post Code. Just the Post Code will not work; some suburbs do have multi suburbs under the one post code.
Please ensure the Images you upload have not received an acceptance or award in any section of any of the previous nine QIDC Exhibitions.
John North EFIAP/s, GPU Crn4, GMAPS, PSQA.
Chairman – 10th Queensland International Digital Circuit 2023